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COVID-19 Resources for Business

Service notice:

As part of our efforts to control the spread of COVID-19, we are focusing resources towards our most essential services at this time.  We will attempt to answer all inquiries within one business day. 

Check this page often, we update information and links regularly.

Primary Contact:
Charles Walker

Tourism & Business Development Manager

      Cell 391-5365

      Office 392-6763 ext 202

Community and Business Resiliency Summary

We will be promoting #ShopHometownFirst through social media and our NEW WEB PAGE.  Please visit our page and provide any updates for your business to


Email to create or edit your business or service listing in either of these resources.

Get Ready to Open


As the Provincial Government approves additional sectors to open or relaxes existing restrictions on business operations, be ready to open.  Have an Operational Plan in place that addresses key issues:

  • Determine how customers will flow through your business to keep a 2 m distance.

  • Determine where your customers will need to stand to pay for their purchases without being in the flow mentioned above.

  • Do you need to limit the number of patrons in your store at a time, or can you ensure social distancing?

  • How will you screen staff at the beginning of each workday/shift?

  • Have hand sanitizer available for staff and customers at check out.

  • Have appropriate sanitizer available at checkouts for staff to clean cash and surfaces

  • Do you have shopping baskets or carts that will need to be sanitized after each use? 

  • Determine what you will use as a barrier at the checkout (plexiglass or clear sheet) or if your cashiers will be able to maintain a 2 m distance from patrons.

  • Post signage about proper hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, and physical distancing throughout the business and any applicable locations outside.

These are just a few items for you to consider in your Operational Plan.  Please review the Province's Guidance Document for full details on expectations to keep staff and patrons safe.  Although the document is for Phase 1, it is expected many of these guidelines will be applicable for future sector openings.  Always refer to the Province's website for the latest requirements at

Click HERE for a sample Operational Plan Template in Word format.  This template may not fit for all industries, but may be helpful to use as a starting point.  

Luke Lesley at Pharmacy for Life is also offering free assistance to businesses who are trying to create their Operational Plan.  You can call him at 612-3048 for guidance.

Another helpful resource is the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce's RE-OPENING & RECOVERY OF NEW BRUNSWICK - A GUIDE FOR BUSINESSES & ORGANIZATIONS.  It contains some insightful information and links to other tools that may be of use.

ONB Infographic on reopening.png

REGULATED SECTORS:  If your business or service is governed by a regulatory body, please refer to their website for recommendations on sector specific Operational Plan practices.

Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick

College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick

New Brunswick Dental Society

Retail Council of Canada

The Town of Florenceville-Bristol will provide some floor markers to Town businesses to aid in compliance with physical distancing and directional flow.  Please contact the Town Office at 392-6013 with your request.

Product Suppliers #ShopHometownFirst

Surgical/N95 masks:        Fancy Coffee Services, Fred Dixon Cell 475-7412

                                         Northern Carleton Pharmacy 392-6028

                                         Rayner's Automotove 392-6003

                                         Smith Drugs 278-5271


Washable surgical mask: Smith Drugs 278-5271 (available soon)


Community face masks:  Janice Boyd

                                         Kathy Giberson 392-6643

                                         My Goodness Integrated Medical Clinic 392-8889

                                         Northern Carleton Pharmacy 392-6028

Face Shields:                   Fancy Coffee Services, Fred Dixon Cell 475-7412

                                         Northern Carleton Pharmacy 392-6028

Floor markers:                 Town Office 392-6013 (at no charge for Town businesses)

                                        A.N.D. Communication 392-2001

Plexiglass barriers:          Speedy Auto Glass 328-9940

Surface Sanitizer:            Brennan Home Hardware 392-5511

                                        Fancy Coffee Services, Fred Dixon Cell 475-7412

                                        Northern Carleton Pharmacy 392-6028

Hand Sanitizer:                Brennan Home Hardware 392-5511

                                         Fancy Coffee Services, Fred Dixon Cell 475-7412

                                         Northern Carleton Pharmacy 392-6028

                                         Rayner's Automotive 392-6003

                                         Smith Drugs 278-5271


Infrared Thermometers:   Fancy Coffee Services, Fred Dixon Cell 475-7412

                                         Northern Carleton Pharmacy 392-6028 (available soon)

                                         Smith Drugs 278-5271 (available soon)


Alcohol:                            Fancy Coffee Services, Fred Dixon Cell 475-7412

                                         Northern Carleton Pharmacy 392-6028

                                         Smith Drugs 278-5271


Gloves:                             Brennan Home Hardware 392-5511

                                         Fancy Coffee Services, Fred Dixon Cell 475-7412  

                                         Rayner's Automotive 392-6003

                                         Smith Drugs 278-5271

If your business offers similar products that may be required for businesses to be compliant, please email with details.


Government of New Brunswick Guidance for Businesses


As the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) continues around the globe, the Government of New Brunswick recognizes the outbreak will continue to have impacts on New Brunswick businesses.

On March 24, The Government of New Brunswick announced assistance to support New Brunswick businesses. The assistance will support our economy, help keep our workers employed, and enable businesses to continue to operate.

The assistance is complimentary to existing federal and partner institution support and is targeted to specifically address impacts associated with COVID-19. The province will continue to monitor economic impacts and respond proactively to the needs of our businesses and our employers.

Click HERE for more details.

Online Learning & Tools


LearnSphere Canada are offering several FREE online seminars that cover a variety of topics that may be of interest to business owners.  Click HERE to view their list of seminars on topics such as:

  • Managing Your Anxiety

  • How to Manage Virtual Teams, Re-Prioritize Work, and Plan for the Next Three Months

  • How to Work Productively From Home Under Extraordinary Circumstances

  • Working Effectively with Clients Through Challenging Times

  • Covid-19 for Employers: Emerging Legal Questions

  • Determining Your Cost Per Unit

  • Plus many more seminars to choose from

CBDC's FREE Digital Sales Using Social Media May 14 from 10am-noon

  • Develop a digital sales strategy

  • Select the proper content for different social media platforms

  • Learn about timing for content

  • Attract the right client

  • Stay on budget

CBDC also have some videos available on their Facebook page at have dozens of online tools, how-to guides and tutorials available to help businesses embrace digital technology including:

  • Advertising

  • Branding

  • Business Basics

  • Communications

  • Email Marketing

  • Product photography

  • Social Media

  • and much more

Opportunities NB have several WEBINARS available to watch at any time with topics like:

  • Employer HR Responsibilities and Resources

  • Provincial & Federal Relief Measures Available

  • Pivoting Your Business Towards the New Reality

  • Q&A with Premier Blaine Higgs

  • Future Leadership: Being a Business Leader in the New Reality

Tourism HR Canada offers FREE online Training courses

  • Tourism HR Canada, the not-for-profit behind Emerit Tourism Training, is committed to helping tourism operators and employees through these troubled times, with a vision towards the recovery of our vibrant tourism sector.

  • They have several courses to fit many roles in the Tourism industry.

Please email with any online events that may be of interest to other business owners in our area.


Town Surveys

We surveyed Florenceville-Bristol businesses and non-profits to determine their needs.  There were a lot of common messages and feedback.  We will be following up with individual businesses and organizations as well as addressing common concerns through future email updates.

Click HERE to view a summary of the Business survey results.

Click HERE to view a summary of the Non-Profit survey results.



Still have questions about business resources?

Call our Business Development support line to speak with someone who can assess your situation and help connect you with the right services: 506-392-6763 ext. 202

Calls will be answered during regular business hours.


You can also email any time with your questions.


Please note that this service will not provide legal advice.

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