Effective January 1st 2023, The Town of Florenceville-Bristol, The Village of Bath, The Village of Centreville and surrounding LSD areas merged to form the District of Carleton North. Click Here to go to the District of Carleton North Website.
19 Station Road, Florenceville-Bristol, NB E7L 3J8
(506) 392-6763


Tenders & Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
The Town of Florenceville-Bristol regularly obtains supplies, materials, and services, and looks to do so in a timely and cost effective manner. The Town often procures goods and services via tenders and requests for proposals that are advertised online, as well as in the local newspapers and our website. We are committed to ensuring the highest quality for the lowest price. Standardized purchasing procedures gives all suppliers a fair opportunity to do business with the Town of Florenceville-Bristol.
We proceed with a public tendering process for procurement of Goods, Services or Construction at a value over $121,200 excluding tax.
For goods and services that are below the amounts noted above, the Town will regularly obtain quotations to help ensure that pricing remains competitive. All departmental expenditures, including goods and services obtained that exceed $10,000 unbudgeted expenditures or $25,000 budgeted expenditures, require a motion of Town Council.
All tenders and requests for proposals exceeding the above limits must be on the New Brunswick Opportunities Network (NBON) for a minimum of 10 calendar days. Newspaper advertisements and our website are occasionally used in addition to the NBON electronic system.
The Town of Florenceville-Bristol encourages vendors to register their business (free of charge) with the province of New Brunswick’s online tendering system at NBON to stay informed of all procurement opportunities.
Buying Group Disclaimer:
The Town of Florenceville-Bristol intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by the Union of the Municipalities of New Brunswick between April 26, 2021 to April 26, 2022. For further information and access to Union of the Municipalities of New Brunswick tender notices, please review the Service New Brunswick Procurement website at www2.snb.ca the MERX website at www.merx.com. For further information on the Union of the Municipalities of New Brunswick please visit the website at www.umnb.ca.
Shogomoc Site - Expressions of Interest (EOI)
The Town of Florenceville-Bristol is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from entrepreneurs/enterprises having an interest in leasing and developing tourism sector-related businesses at any of our three adjacent structures situated at what is referred to as the Shogomoc Railway Site:
1) The Shogomoc (former) Welcome Centre
2) The Shogomoc Train Station (former) Museum
3) The restored CPR Railcar kitchen and dining room (former Fresh Fine Dining)
Please click HERE for full details of the locations and how to submit your proposal. During our last Expressions of Interest call (in November 2021), the expressions received did not align with our Tourism Strategy for the location. As such, this call remains open for consideration until otherwise indicated.